Thursday, 17 November 2011

Video Assessment

(Please Find the link to my Video Assessment to the top of the page)

The video I presented for the influences to my project I thought I did quite well as it seemed to communicate the idea of my influences on certain parts of the building. I found the way I photographed the building I communicated the idea quite well. I feel that because I did my own photography I could get what I wanted to and focus on areas I find important. I was lucky with the weather conditions as it really worked in my favor as the images came out bright and crisp.

I feel that while subtitles are a clear way to understand the information that I was trying to get across I choose to go with reading text I had written and giving a giving a voice over. This enabled me to talk to my slide without people having to read the words an allows them to watch the slides which I found to be more interesting.

However a down fall of it was that I ran out of time to interview the lead architect on the Iron bank building myself. I would have found if I had interviewed him I would have gotten a better representation of information then I did with the information given by the women who did the interview. If I had interviewed the architect I would have moved around the site to get him to talk about certain aspects of the building as such the way that each area is off set from another due to this being my main focal point.

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